Oh my!
We said we'd have a legend coming up, and sure enough, we do.
Thee Legendary Asthmatic Avenger is, well, a little special. Is he Country? Is he Trash? Is he a genius? Is he mildly...differently-abled? We think he's all of the above. With an emphasis on "Country genius". For context, we feel compelled to quote a bit from his bio on his website (sic, of course):
"Among the big upholders of the law of this world, one finds Superman, the Pope, Batman, or still Wonder Woman to quote only those there. Lowering batard of this family of more or less masked avengers, the MYSTERIOUS ASTHMATIC AVENGER has for mission to save the world of the moral order, the Cartesianism and the precarious and mental balance which characterizes the human race.
Endowed well on great unlimited powers, it is with the devilish precision, that he massacres and simplifies for you the big classical authors of Rock n Roll, making them so accessible to all. Masked, wearing an antigravity cap, armed with his marvelous Haze, the enchanted guitar, Mysterious asthmatic avenger composes also makes the crowds jodel ! His idols are Hasil Adkins, Jack Starr, and Franzel Lang.
So the avenging minstrell goes away on roads and meets on a night of thunderstorm ZARGHLA, the god made from French stinking cheese. It is only while Mysterious becomes the first apostle of the Big Milky, and will go to preach the good, serving disorder causes him of this new religion: the ZARGHLISME. Primitive rites used in the celebration of this cult associate among others trow of sausages Knacky (or of Strasbourg and possibly Frankfort), Tyrolean yodel, and cheese immolation.
When Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger sings Zarghla's praises, accompanied by him every only one in the guitar, the cymbal and the rhythmic suitcase, the country-folk-psychiatric music flies away in the limits of the hard-gore accoustic musical experiments, for the biggest happiness of the heavenly Camembert which looks at him of height..."
What more do you need to know? Who is this mysterious Masked Man? Is he really the god-like Reverend/Lightning Beat-Man? Is he someone else entirely, a man on a trailer trash mission from the yee-haw Country gods of scunge mountain garbage? From another continent? Maybe. Does he meet every requirement we, the Immortal Mountain, ask of the rock and the roll?
Perhaps this record was recorded in a bucket, with a hole in it. Perhaps in some junkyard with the ghosts of Hasil Adkins, Jimmie Skinner, and Jimmie Rodgers (it's the yodel, kids) banging on pots and pans and nodding vocal approval over the proceedings. A mountain heart with a garbage collector's soul.
The following atomic powered songs of Jesus and the end of the world are taken from the essential record "My Mother Killed Rock and Roll (in 1979)", committed to acetate with the help of Voodoo Rhythm Records very own Thee Watzloves and special guest Hortense "Pneumonia" Blutchinson.
This may be the most essential thing you'll hear all year! Hyperbole intact!
A stompin', hillbilly, revival meetin' good time! Ripped from glorious 10" Vinyl!!
Thee Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger: Atomic Power (mp3)
Thee Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger: Rock and Roll Killed My Mother (mp3)
Thee Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger: My Name Is Jesus (mp3)
Thee Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger: Jesus Walking (mp3)
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