it's jack and meg
My heartiest kudos to those who manage daily posts on their blogs. It's tough.
We're in the home stretch.
I have to admit to not being the biggest White Stripes fan these days. I thought their first couple of albums were really quite good, but their last one, in particular, left me kinda bored. I guess it's a matter of taste. I will give a preview,though, and say that Mr. White will make an appearance on my upcoming Top 10 list. If you've been following this here blog for awhile, you can probably make a guess as to what album.
I'm surprised the following tunes haven't made the rounds yet this year. They're a bit off, but perversely enjoyable. Listen for Meg's rendition of Silent Night, and her comments to Jack on the last tune.
Peppermint Patty's Gift to Marcie on Christmas
The White Stripes: Candy Cane Children (mp3)
The White Stripes: Story of the Magi/Silent Night (mp3)
(YouSendIt links...click on target...download from site)
I threw Candy Cane Children on my annual x-mas mix for family and friends. Wasn't aware of the other track, so thanks for that. As always, this blog's the place to be for Christmas audio goodness. Have a merry and a happy, my friend.
Sadly too late to grab these as the link has expired; yousendit only allows 25 downloads.
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